Smooze song
Smooze song

smooze song

Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. Welcome to smoothfm 91.5, Melbournes easy place to relax. If cast on an important person they could smooze you through all sorts of. Var songArray: = //array to contain song names and filepaths All Aboard Angel Wings Autumn Blaze Blossomforth Bow Hothoof Bulk Biceps Cheerilee Cheese Sandwich Cherry Jubilee Claude Clear Skies Clear Sky Cloud Chaser Coco Pommel Cookie Crumbles Coriander Cumin Davenport Double Diamond Feather Bangs Firelight Flash Sentry Fleur de Lis Flitter Fluffy Clouds. come tread the jeweled hrones bard love song rock the bed cleric ordained.

smooze song

Hooves, Time Researcher: 2 2 Common (C) 53 Grampa Gruff, Griffonstone Historian: 3 3 Common (C) 54 Mayor Mare, Vote of Confidence: 1 1 1 Common (C) 55 Minuette, Time Will Tell: 2 2 1 Rare (R) 56 Ms. When user activate the snooz option for specific song, Song could be exist in list, but colored. Torch Song, Alto: 2 2 1 Common (C) 50 Amethyst Star, Very Organized: 2 3 1 Common (C) 51 Cheerilee, Pass / Fail: 2 2 3 Common (C) 52 Dr. I have already tried player.pause() and so on, but nothing is stopping the music from playing/streaming and looping over itself. One drop down with following options: Day (s) Week (s) Month (s) Also this page could have an option to be clicked and bring the song back to terminate the snooz option immediately.


However, I cannot figure out how to pause the music and when I click on the buttons more than once, the song plays over itself so two songs are playing at once.

smooze song


My code dynamically creates buttons for each song in my database, and when these buttons are clicked on they play the mp3 file. The Smooze is also compared many times to Hedorah. I am developing a music streaming app that streams music from a database. The Smooze was seen to have limited intelligence beyond simple rage as it arrogantly states 'you cant stop me' and 'dont even try' during its introductory song (it is also shown as taking delight in terrorizing the animals of Ponyland).

Smooze song